Pests in Your Home – Areas to Investigate
Pests can hide in a variety of areas in your home. Take a look in the following spots if you suspect that you have a pest problem:
- Pantry – When was the last time that you’ve cleaned out your pantry? If it’s been a while and you are having a pest problem, it’s likely that there are issues in there. Things like old cereal, partial bags of rice, and flour that tend to sit in the pantry for a long time are havens for beetles and moths. Get rid of any old food in your pantry and invest in airtight containers to stop problems in the future.
- Under the Stove or Oven – Have you ever cleaned under the stove or the oven? If you’re like most homeowners, then it’s not an area you think about too often. These spots usually trap a lot of food crumbs, which attract pests. Next time you are cleaning the kitchen, you should move the refrigerator and take out the bottom drawer of your oven to clean these spots.
- Cluttered Areas – Stop spiders and roaches from setting up shop in your home by cleaning up cluttered areas. Spots like areas behind couches, desks that have been stacked with tons of mail and junk, or under beds are perfect for pests. By keeping these spots clean, you give pests no place to hide.
If you are cleaning your home and uncover pests, don’t panic! Call our team to receive pest control in Prince Frederick, MD, as well as other cities throughout our state.