What Are The Most Common Pests In Maryland?
There are a lot of pests in Maryland, and unfortunately, most homeowners are forced to deal with a bug infestation at one time or another. There are so many insects in the world that it can be difficult to know what you are dealing with at any given time. However, proper identification is essential to the treatment process, which is why it is important to learn more about bugs. Once you have a handle on your problem, you can take steps to rid yourself of an infestation. The following pests are commonly found on plants and in your household in the Maryland area.
There are a number of different ant species that are common Maryland pests. However, carpenter ants wreak a lot of havoc in the area, and while they do not hurt people, they can cause issues for the structure of your home. Carpenter ants are larger than many other species, and there are some that have wings. A tell tale sign of an infestation is small piles of sawdust in different areas of the home. If you suspect that you have a carpenter ant infestation, get in touch with Barefoot Pest Control. It is important to take care of these pests as soon as possible.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are a huge issue in Maryland, with Baltimore being named one of the most infested cities in America by pest control experts. Bed bugs are small, do not have wings, and are brown when they reach adulthood. If you are concerned about bed bugs, put light colored sheets on your bed. You’ll notice small blood stains if the bugs bite you while you sleep. Do not be surprised if only one person in the bed gets bitten; bed bugs often choose a host and prefer to bite that individual. Bed bug infestations do not go away on their own. It is often necessary to contact a professional, but there are things you can do that will help. Wash all your clothing and dry them on the hottest temperature possible. Vacuum often, making sure that you remove the bag immediately and take it outside. In addition, it is a good idea to get a bed bug cover for your mattress.
Maryland winters have been milder in the last decade or so, and as a result, flea populations have started to flourish. If you or your pet is scratching a lot, fleas may be to blame. While they are tiny, you can see them jumping around if you look closely. You can also put on a pair of white socks and walk across your floor; if you have fleas, you’ll see little black specks on your socks. Once you determine that an infestation has taken root, get your pet treated (if you have one). Clean all the clutter off your floors so that you can vacuum well. Continue vacuuming every few days so that you catch fleas as they hatch.
Of course, these aren’t the only pests you’ll find at your home. When you notice a bug, it is important to first identify it so that you know what steps to take to eradicate the infestation. If you need help, bring in the professionals; you don’t have to stress about the issue and you’ll get the results you are looking for quickly.
Other Maryland Pests:
Among the pests listed above, there are a wide range of common Maryland pest that you may run across depending on the area and environment you find yourself in. These include Yellow Jackets, spiders, wood-destroying pests, termites, black widows, grubs, and birds.
If you are being bothered by any of the pests listed above, contact one of your trained Technicians at Barefoot Pest Control.