What You Need to Know About Snakes
Snakes are one of the most unusual looking animals on the plant. The way they look and move scares many people. But, not all snakes in Waldorf, MD are harmful. Some may even be beneficial to your yard.
You do not want a snake infestation of any kind, though. Understanding more about snakes will help you keep unwanted ones from entering your home and yard. You should also consider calling Barefoot Pest Control. We are experts in snake removal, but more on that later.
What are snakes
Pretty much everyone can identify a snake. They are found all over the world. There are over 3,000 species of snake. At least one species of snake lives on every continent except Antarctica.
Snakes are reptiles. They are a remnant of the late cretaceous period, but they didn’t diversify until after the extinction of the dinosaurs. While species determine the snake’s coloring and size, their shape remains the same. Snakes all have long, limbless bodies. They slither along the ground. Many species of snake have extra bones in their jaws that allow them to swallow prey much larger than their bodies. Snakes range in length from 4 inches to nearly 30 feet.
Poisonous snakes in Maryland
Most of the snakes living in Maryland are not poisonous or dangerous to humans. The Eastern rat snake, for example, can get very long (from 3-6 feet) and are shiny black. Although they look intimidating, Eastern rat snakes are not aggressive or poisonous.
Two dangerous snake species live in Maryland. These are both pit vipers, the Eastern Copperhead and the Timber Rattlesnake. The common water snake is often mistaken for a Water Moccasin, but those dangerous snakes are not found in the state.
Both the Eastern Copperhead and the Timber Rattlesnake are poisonous. They have a distinctive sensory pit in between their eye and nostril. This helps them find heat sources. The other, non-poisonous snakes in Maryland do not have this physical feature. Because both of the pit vipers are so dangerous, you should never approach them. If you see an Eastern Copperhead or Timber Rattlesnake in your yard, you need to call the professional immediately.
Why do I have snakes?
Snakes eat bugs, insects, and rodents. If your yard has an abundance of these, snakes will be attracted to it. This attractant may not be the worst thing, provided the snake in your yard is not dangerous. They could potentially help you control a pest problem.
Snakes also need shelter. They like yards that have a lot of brush or rock piles. Dense vegetation also provides shelter for them. The two pit vipers, especially, want a lot of sunning locations. They will enter yards with lots of open places for sunlight to stream through. If you have rocks or other reflecting surfaces, that is only more attractive for snakes.
How to get rid of snakes?
If you see a dangerous snake in your yard, do not approach it. Both Eastern Copperheads and Timber Rattlesnakes can seriously hurt you. You need to call in professionals like Barefoot Pest Control immediately.
Our snake removal services ensure that your Waldorf yard remains snake-free. No one wants a large number of snakes in their yard. Let the professionals at Barefoot Pest Control reduce the snake population in your area. We are waiting for your call today.