Termite Prevention Tips
Worried about termites? In Waldorf, MD you should be worried. Termites love our temperate climate here on the east coast. Plus, if they get into your home, they can cause an enormous amount of damage. You really don’t want termites in your Waldorf home.
Even though you know that termites are a nuisance, you may be wondering how to prevent them from invading. All of the secrets you are looking for are in this article. In it, we will tell you the top tips for preventing termites in the DC area.
However, if you still get termites no matter your precautions, you need to call termite extermination professionals like Barefoot Pest Control. We are a locally owned and operated pest control company in Waldorf, MD. Let us take care of your termite problem because it costs you thousands of dollars in damages.
Termite Prevention Tips
Below we’ve listed the top five termite prevention tips.
1. Reduce the moisture and standing water.
Termites, like all living things, need water to survive. They love drippy faucets, pipes, and even window AC units. So, by cutting off their water source, you will encourage them to pass your home by. And, ironically, this step should also cut down on other pests like roaches that are also attracted to extra water in your home.
2. Seal off the entrances to your home.
Yes, you want to make sure that your windows and doors seal tightly, but those aren’t the only entrances we’re talking about. Termites do not need a very large opening to enter your home. So, by making sure that all loose floorboards, mortar, foundations, and siding are on your home correctly, you will also be preventing termites from entering.
3. Spray.
There are a number of over the counter pest and termite sprays that you can use to try and create a barrier for the pests. Most pest and termite sprays are easy to use. You just spray them around the outside of your home, or in certain locations like your basement. Just keep in mind that the sprays you can get at home improvement stores will not be as strong as those used by pest control professionals.
4. Keep wood—especially rotting wood—away from your house.
Termites feed on wood. That fact is common knowledge. Termites also feed on a lot of other home materials, like drywall. But, it’s wood that they really like. So, if you store firewood or rotting wood up against your home, you may as well roll out a welcome mat for termites. Always keep wood at least twenty feet away from your house or any other structures where you don’t want termites.
5. Schedule regular termite control services.
All of the above tips for termite prevention are great places to start. But, the only way that you can be 100% sure that you will not get termites is to schedule regular termite extermination services.
In Waldorf, MD, this means calling Barefoot Pest Control. We have decades of experience and provide a free inspection and zero-obligation estimates. For the DC area, let Barefoot Pest Control be your termite prevention option.